De brede Hagada (The broad Hagadah) was first published in 2011 by Joram Rookmaaker and has different reprints.
De brede Hagada can be bought via Stichting Sja’ar.
De brede Hagada contains a CD with 37 recorded songs from the Seder evenings, incl. a pdf with the sheetmusic. From the reprint of 2020 this CD will not be included anymore, but the music can be listened and downloaded below.
Chazan: Gilad Nezer
Piano: Kimball Huigens
Violon: Moshé Lewkowitz
Recording production: AVC Pim Verdonk
The sheetmusic (pdf) of the 37 songs can be printed as a booklet.
Below the recordings of all 37 songs are listed seperate. As a whole it can be listened in a video.
The number and letter between brackets at the end of each line refers to the paragraph number in De brede Hagada.
1 Kadesh ur’chatz 1 (Traditional Babylonian)
2 Kadesh ur’chatz 2 (Bloemendal)
3 Kiddush and shehechayanu (Traditional) (1b-d, g)
4 Ha lachma anya (Traditional) (3)
5 Ma nishtana (Avilea) (4)
6 Avadim hayinu (Postolski) (5)
7 V’hi she’amda (Traditional) (7b)
8 Elu eser makot (Bloemendal) (9)
9 Dayeinu (Traditional) (10)
10 Dayeinu (modern) (Traditional) (10)
11 Bechol dor wador (Alster-Jardeni) (12)
12 Psalm 113 – Halleluya (Traditional Portuguese) (13a)
13 Psalm 114 – Betzet Yisrael (Admon-Gorochov) (13b)
14 Psalm 126 – Shir hama’alot 1 (Traditional Pesach melody) (17)
15 Psalm 126 – Shir hama’alot 2 (Minkovski / Rosenblatt) (17)
16 Eliyahu hanavi (Traditional) (18c)
17 Psalm 115 – Yevarech et bet Yisrael (Traditional) (19a)
18 Psalm 116 – Ma’ashiv (Lewandowski) (19b)
19 Psalm 117 – Halelu et Adonai (Lewandowski) (19c)
20 Psalm 118 – Hodu (Traditional Pesach melody) (19d)
21 Psalm 118 – Min hametzar (Shirat hayam melody) (19e)
22 Psalm 118 – Lo amut (Lewandowski) (19f)
23 Psalm 118 – Odcha ki anitani (Lewandowski) (19g)
24 Psalm 118 – Ana Adonai (Traditional Pesach melody) (19h)
25 Psalm 118 – Baruch haba (Portuguese-Amsterdam) (19i)
26 Psalm 136 – Hodu lAdonai ki tov (Portuguese-Amsterdam) (19k)
27 Nishmat kol chai (Traditional) (19l)
28 Chasal sidur pesach (Traditional) (21a)
29 Leshana haba’a 1 (Traditional) (21b)
30 Leshana haba’a 2 (Traditional) (21b)
31 Karev yom (Traditional) (21d)
32 Wayehi bachatzi halaila (Nezer) (21d)
33 Ki lo nae 1 (Traditional Dutch) (21f)
34 Ki lo nae 2 (Traditional Ashkenazi) (21f)
35 Adir hu (Traditional Pesach melody) (21g)
36 Echad mi yodea (Traditional) (21h)
37 Chad gadya (Traditional) (21i)