Weekday services

On this page you find links to sheetmusic and recordings for the evening, moring and afternoon services on weekdays.

The number before the title refers to the page in the Dutch liberal siddur Tov lehodot.

BL = Bram Lagendijk
CU = Chaim van Unen
ES = chazan prof. Eliyahu Schleifer
GN = chazan Gilad Nezer
MB = rabbi Menno ten Brink

Weekday Arvit

For additions to the regular weekday evening service on particular days in the year, see the instructions on top of page 120 of the LJG siddur. For the instructions for the continuation of the service after the end of the silent Amida, see pages 152 and 154 of the LJG siddur.


120 Vehu rachum.pdf
Vehu rachum CU.mp3
120 Barechupdf
Barechu CU.mp3
120 Uma’avir yom (2e deel).pdf
Uma’avir yom CU.mp3
122 Ahavat olam.pdf
Ahavat olam CU.mp3
122 Shema.pdf
Shema CU.mp3
126 Adonai Elohechem emet-Emet ve’emuna.pdf
Adonai Elohechem emet CU.mp3
Emet ve’emuna CU.mp3
128 Vera’u vanav (umalchuto).pdf
Vera’u vanav CU.mp3
128 Hashkivenu.pdf
Hashkivenu CU.mp3
130 Yir’u enenu.pdf
Yir’u enenu MB.mp3

Weekday Shacharit

For an example of how a limited weekday shacharit service can be done, listen to the shacharit service led by prof. Eli Schleifer during the Levisson chazanut training.

The page numbers in the LJG-siddur that he followed, are:

  • 4-6-8, 26, 36, 40-42, 52, 56-58-60-62-64-66-(68)-70,
  • 72-74-76 (shacharit-Kedusha),
    The Amida is in the form of a ‘hoiche kedusha’, i.e. the first 3 berachot are recited aloud by the chazzan and the rest of the Amida is said individually and softly. The silence is omitted in the recording.
  • 110-112-114,
  • 192 (4th line from the bottom).

Weekday Mincha

For the plan of the mincha service, see the LJG siddur page 119.
The instructions for the continuation of the mincha service after the end of the Amida, see the LJG siddur pages 152 and 154.

ES = Eli Shleifer
GN = Gilad Nezer
BL = Bram Lagendijk

706 Ashre – Psalm 145 ES.mp3
130 Chatzi kaddish ES.mp3
132 Amida Avot ve’imahot) ES.mp3 Our text reads “go’el”, not “ge’ula”. 
134 Amida Gevurot ES.mp3
136 Amida Kedusha ES.mp3
92 Amida (shortened) Havinenu GN.mp3
144 (bottom) Amida Retse GN.mp3
146 Amida Modim GN.mp3
150 Amida Shalom rav BL.mp3