Semicha Peter Luijendijk 2021
The rabbinical ordination (semicha) of Peter Luijendijk by Leo Baeck College in LJG Amsterdam, 4 July 2021 – 24 Tammuz 5781.

Rabbis with Peter Luijendijk in their midst.
A special and unique gathering took place on 4 July 2021 in the shul of LJG Amsterdam. Four students from Leo Baeck College received their semicha that afternoon, two French, one Israeli and one Dutch. Because of the corona pandemic, Leo Baeck College had asked four liberal Jewish congregations in three different countries to facilitate this event. Therefore, the semicha was held simultaneously in Cambridge, in two different shuls in Paris and in Amsterdam. Hosts in Amsterdam were the Levisson Institute as sister organisation of Leo Baeck College, and LJG Amsterdam.
The entire semicha from the four shuls was broadcast digitally via a live stream. In Amsterdam, guests were able to follow it via a large screen. Most of the service was conducted in the shul in Cambridge, where the leadership of Leo Baeck College had set up for the day. There were frequent switches between the four shuls, and some images could be seen simultaneously on the screen.
A few moments took place live in shul. At Peter’s request, Rabbi Albert Ringer gave him the semicha. Peter did his internship with him in LJG Rotterdam.
Prior to the ordination, Peter spoke himself. He was also addressed by Rabbi Menno ten Brink, dean of the Levisson Institute and rabbi of LJG Amsterdam.
To the photo album.
Thanks to photographer Claudia Kamergorodski.
To the video of the livestream.
Semicha Joram Rookmaaker 2019
The rabbinical ordination (semicha) to Joram Rookmaaker and his induction als second rabbi of LJG Amsterdam, 6 January 2019 – 29 Tevet 5779.

Members of the Academic Committee and Exam committee of the Levisson
Institute, and rabbis with Joram Rookmaaker just before the ordination.
See all videos
See the separate videos and speeches (in Dutch):
Part 1 Entrance Academic Committee and rabbis, speech Ella Wijnschenk (chair Levisson Institute)
Part 2 Semicha ordination by rabbis Menno ten Brink and David Lilienthal, speech prof. dr. Irene Zwiep (chair Academic Committee), prayer for the new rabbi by rabbi Edward van Voolen
Part 3 Introduction rabbi Menno ten Brink, Gilad Nezer sings Amar rabbi Elazar
Part 4 Speech rabbi Menno ten Brink
Part 5 Speech rabbi Joram Rookmaaker
Part 6 Im ein ani li by Gilad Nezer and Francine Püttmann
Part 7 Speech Hans Weijel (chair LJG Amsterdam), departure and Adon olam.
To the photo album.
Thanks to photographer Michael Ballak and filmer Michel Kaplan.
Semicha Clary Rooda 2014
The rabbinical ordination (semicha) to Clary Rooda in the synagogue of LJG The Hague, 18 May 2014 – 18 Iyar 5774 (Lag BaOmer).

Members of the Academic Committee and Exam committee, rabbis,
rabbi Y. Mazor from Israel, with Clary Rooda just before the ordination.
Do you want to look at this photo in detail? Click here.
See for the videos and speeches (in Dutch):
Part 1 Entrance rabbis and Academic Committee
Part 2 Welcome by prof. Ted Young
Part 3 Welcome by rabbi Menno ten Brink
Part 4 Mincha service part 1
Part 5 Semicha ordination
Deel 6 Speeches by Ron van der Wieken and Miriam Kramer (in English)
To the photo album
Thanks to photographer Michael Ballak and filmer Michel Kaplan.
Semicha Ira Goldberg 2012
Het verlenen van de rabbinale bevoegdheid aan Ira Goldberg en zijn installatie als tweede rabbijn van LJG Amsterdam, 2 september 2012 – 15 elloel 5772.

Members of the Academic Committee and Exam Committee, rabbis, rabbi Yehoram Mazor and chazzan prof. Eli Schleifer, with Ira Goldberg before the ordination.
To the photo album
To the video (100 minutes)
Thanks to the photographers:
Michael Ballak (nrs Z3A…), Renée Kater (nrs DSC…) and Pim Verdonk for the video.
Semicha first Levisson rabbis 2008
The rabbinical ordination (semicha) to the first rabbinical students of the Levisson Institute, The Hague, 27 August 2008 – 26 Menachem-av 5768.

The Academic Committee and visiting leaders of other rabbinical seminars with the rabbinical students before the ordination.
To the photo album, click here
Thanks to photographer Ido Menco.
To all other documents:
The programme booklet (without cover).
The semicha certificate for a man, for a woman.
Conductor choir: Marcela Obermeister
The members of the choir are students in the cantor training of the Institute.
See here the video of the service, with time table in the video below:
0 Entrance with Psalm 118:26-29: Baruch Haba
3 Welcome special guests by prof. Ted Young
9 Welcome by Henk Wagenfeld, chair Foundation R.A. Levisson
11 Welcome by Willem Koster, chair Dutch Union for Progressive Judaism
18 Welcome by prof. Irene Zwiep, chair Academic Committee
22 Welcome by Lex Levisson, son of Robert A. Levisson
23 Mincha service by rabbi Menno ten Brink and chazzan prof. Eli Schleifer
52 Music: Mia Dreese (flute), Romance by Joachim Stutschewsky
56 Intro to the ordination by dean rabbi David Lilienthal
1.05 Semicha: rabbi Navah-Tehila Shmuelit-Livingstone
1.07 Semicha: rabbi Tamarah Benima
1.08 Semicha: rabbi Albert Ringer
1.10 Semicha: rabbi Marianne van Praag
1.12 Semicha: rabbi Kineret Sittig
1.13 Derasja: rabbi Navah-Tehila Shmuelit-Livingstone
1.17 Derasha: rabbi Tamarah Benima
1.24 Derasha: rabbi Albert Ringer
1.29 Derasha: rabbi Marianne van Praag
1.33 Derasha: rabbi Kineret Sittig
1.40 Congratualtion by rabbi David Ellenson, President Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati, brought by rabbi Yehoram Mazor, followed by a special prayer for the new rabbis.
1.44 Odecha (Psalm 118:21-24, Amsterdam Portuguese melody)
1.48 Congratualtion by rabbi prof. Marc Saperstein, Principal Leo Baeck College, London
1.52 Congratualtion by rabbi Peter Knobel, President Central Conference of American Rabbis
1.55 Congratualtion by Leslie Bergman, member Board World Union for Progressive Judaism and Rabbinic Review Committee
2.00 Psalm 98: Shiru lAdonai shir chadash
2.04 Final word by rabbi Awraham Soetendorp
2.10 End mincha service by rabbi Reuven Bar-Efraïm and chazzan prof. Eli Schleifer
2.17 Departure with Psalm 150