The reason for the foundation of the Levisson Institute was a lack in the the possibility to follow a coherent study programme that could serve to train a future leadership for the Liberal Jewish Community in the Netherlands. The Levisson Institute was started to fill this gap and has shown that this is indeed possible, also in a community as small as ours.
The trainings given by the Levisson Institute are designed to grant rabbinical certification (semicha), qualification as shaliach tzibbur (cantor) and as teacher Talmud Torah, gabbay, ba’al korey, ba’al tefillah and all (potential) lay leaders of Dutch Progressive Jewish conregations.
The Rabbinic curriculum meets the requirements for international recognition both academically and professionally. The Insitute strives to apply as high a level and excellent quality to all the other trainings.The curriculum is continuously developed by the members of the Management Team in close collaboration with the Academic Committee and the lecturers. This ensures that the level and quality of training reaches the required level. The diplomas of our ordained Rabbis are recognized not only by the Dutch Liberal Jewish community but also by the Rabbinic Review Committee of the World Union for Progressive Judaism and the Central Conference of American Rabbis (CCAR).
The value of an institute operating at this level goes beyond that of “only” providing training to a professional leadership. The Institute also makes significant contributions to the essential task of maintaining and increasing Jewish knowledge among all members of the community.