In January 2018 fifteen enthousiastic participants from different Dutch Progressive congregations started the the first Dutch ba’al tefillah training.
They learned how to lead a shabbat service in case no rabbi is present in a synagogue. Also shiwa services were part of the training.
The training consisted of five weekends during the whole year 2018 and included synaogogue services, lectures and workshops. Every service was done by the participants, combined with instructions and feedback.
Overview of the programme:
- Leading shabbat services
- Leading shiwa services
- Dvar Torah
- Kiddush
- Havdalah
- Birkat hamazon
- Read Hebrew aloud
- Progressive Judaism
- Attitude and presentation
The lessons were thaught by rabbi Menno ten Brink, rabbi Marianne van Praag, Annette Boeckler and by several occasional teachers.
See here photos of the five weekends.
Annette Boeckler wrote an article in 2016 about Dutch liberal liturgy: Dutch Liberal Liturgical History (pdf)