Support us

Also you can support us

All our activities are financed by the contribution of the partipants of the different programmes, by foundations and by donors.

Do you want to support us by a donation to the Levisson Institute? Become a donor, just once or for a longer period! We welcome new donors who will keep the Levisson Institute financially healthy.

You can transfer your donation to IBAN NL88 ABNA 0400378213 in the name of Stichting Robert A. Levisson, Amsterdam.

You also can donate through PayPal: via

For more information, please contact the director of the Levisson Institute via or +31-20-5400133 (Mo, Tue, Thu 10.00-15.00 h).


ANBI logo

Your donation is fully tax deductible because of our official ANBI charity status. Foundation Robert A. Levisson has the fiscal code RSIN 811001994.

The most important advantage of ANBI status is that gifts, legacies and heirs are exempt from inheritance tax and gift tax. In addition, a gift to an institution with ANBI status may, under certain conditions, be deducted from the tax return of the giver.

Our visiting address and mailing address is: Zuidelijke Wandelweg 41, 1079 RK  Amsterdam.


The Foundation and the Institute aim to provide training and study opportunities that can lead to grant rabbinical certification (semicha) and qualification as shaliach tzibbur (cantor). Furthermore its goal is to train teachers for Talmud Torah, gabba’im, ba’alei korei, ba’alei tefillah and all (potential) lay leaders of the Dutch Progressive Jewish congregations.

The Foundation and Institute try to archieve this through:

  • an academic study program for the rabbi training
  • study programs for teacher training in Talmud Torah education
  • courses for cantor, ba’al korei, ba’al tefillah, gabbay and other officials
  • refresher courses
  • lectures and seminars on academic level


See here for the members of the Board.

Renumeration policy

The Foundation Robert A. Levisson employs one person.
Members of the Board are unpaid and can declare expenses on presentation of invoices.

Annual report

See here the Annual and Financial Reports of 2023.

ANBI form Levisson

Profit and loss account 2023 (in Dutch)